Bearded Iris #1 – My new best friend


Breathtaking. I have never seen one of these flowers in the petals before and when I saw it I did a little jig as my friend loves to posts them and finally I could post one back. I was stunned literally and then absolutely speechless as the scent , it was just like ylang ylang, well I thought so anyway. Hope you love it.


Even the leaves were glittery 🙂


There are such extravagant buds and remarkable flowers! I love it!


Love the texture and detailing. Mmmm definitely my new favourite flower although the name is somewhat gauche.

Inspired Bee Photography

I just love to wake up and fully feel the beauty and blessings of my life. Sun roaring in through the bedroom window, my stunning 3 year old, with his cute wide grin and chuckles in my face as I open my eyes, is more than enough to start the day with a warm heart, not forgetting to mention the undying divine love I feel within filling my everything with loveliness.


It is lovely to start the day with some learning and today’s inspired morning post is by Uncle Spike on Bee Photography and the Bees on the Blossom tree.


These photos were taken yesterday in a wonderfully characteristic town in Surrey where the flowers were spilling out on to the street. A place of beauty abundance.

Have a delightful day my friends.